Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 248

Day 248 September 5th


            Wow I am not sure where to start with this minimate!  I guess the best place would be the fact that this is an AMAZING minimate!  I love Ghouls and Ghosts and when I head that we were getting an Arthur minimate I was over the moon, and then it got better because we were getting two!!  DST hit all the great details with this minimate – the face, the expression, the helmet, the sculpted armour on the shoulders, the extra pieces that add to the armoured look without going too far on adding bulk; it is all win!  I love that we got the trusty lance and the axe and shield, and how nice is that shield, fantastic!!  It even has a familiar enough shape that it would be pretty easy to use in a custom of Link from the Zelda games!  I would love to get the non-armoured Arthur just to make the set complete lol!  My only gripe is a minor one since in the original game when Arthur has the gold armour he also has a red cape – as seen in my pics it is pretty easy to fix with a spare classic Thor kickin around!

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