Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 538

Day 538 Aug 11th

I am still here and still a Minimate fan!!
Haul Pics

Some days it seems like forever since I did a blog post here and other days it feels like only yesterday!  I am still a die hard Minimate fan that hasn’t changed, but I am still alos enjoying my creative break here.  I have thought of some great photos to take and ideas to jump back into blogging regularly but this summer has just been flying by.  Here are some pics of my haul over the last couple weeks, just to show that I am still in the thick of things!  Since taking these pictures I have had another couple packages arrive…looks like I am going to have tons of fodder for new blog posts once I get them rolling!

1 comment:

  1. nice hauls sir jeff. army building stoneman. nice! massive!
